Use tension to drive innovation

c-suite conflict culture leadership leadershipdevelopment Oct 08, 2024

Many senior leaders still shy away from conflict, viewing it as a disruptive force. What if, instead of seeing conflict as a threat, we saw it as a catalyst? As an opportunity to spark innovation and inspire out-of-the-box thinking?

85% of employees face conflict at work, with 29% experiencing frequent personal attacks. However, organisations that learn to manage conflict well experience higher engagement and retention, as noted by HR Magazine

Teams that actively embrace productive conflict tend to be 25% more effective at problem-solving, according to research by Harvard Business Review. When leaders create spaces for disagreement, they unlock new levels of creativity within their teams. 

Forbes highlights how unresolved conflict, left unchecked, costs companies both in terms of financial performance and team cohesion. Leaders who invest in conflict management strategies—such as the Red Team-Blue Team model—see a marked improvement in both team innovation and resilience. 


Conflict as a tool for innovation
Research suggests that well-managed conflict can lead to better decision-making, increased innovation, and enhanced team performance. According to a study in Harvard Business Review, teams that engage in productive conflict tend to deliver better results, as disagreements often lead to a deeper exploration of ideas . Controlled conflict encourages diverse perspectives to surface, challenging groupthink and leading to more creative problem-solving.

Tension and emotional intelligence
Handling conflict is a skill that requires emotional intelligence. Leaders with high emotional intelligence are better equipped to manage disagreements without allowing tensions to devolve into unproductive quarrels. As outlined by HR Magazine, fostering positive conflict requires building emotional intelligence across teams . This not only helps individuals navigate tension but also drives better outcomes.

Practical strategies for executives
For senior leaders, learning to handle conflict effectively is crucial for innovation. Forbes stresses the importance of viewing conflict not as a personal attack but as a professional challenge to ideas. To create a culture of innovation, leaders should encourage open debates, provide psychological safety, and set boundaries for productive conflict.

Conflict, when managed correctly, doesn’t destroy teams—it strengthens them. Leaders who embrace tension as a tool for innovation are the ones driving the future of business. The question isn’t whether conflict is necessary—it’s whether you’re using it effectively.


  1. HR Magazine:
  2. Harvard Business Review:
  3. Forbes:
  4. CIPD:
  5. CIPD:

Hi, this is me, Margo,

I’ve coached thousands of leaders gain insights, make informed decisions, and enhance their leadership by focusing on three key areas: self, strategy, and stakeholders. 

Through prioritising their own wellbeing, developing their emotional intelligence, crafting thought through strategic decisions, and fostering stronger relationships with key stakeholders, this increases  longer term value and impact. This holistic approach drives meaningful, sustainable change in how they lead, innovate, and engage with others, creating enduring value for themselves and their organisations.

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