My Story

Throughout my own career journey, I've witnessed firsthand the profound impact managers have on employee and organisation well-being and success. Exceptional managers empowered me to thrive, grow, and advance, while experiences with ineffective ones underscored the importance of effective leadership. Recognising the critical value of work-life balance, I've navigated through chaotic and toxic leadership environments, often marked by the leader's lack of self-awareness, time management, communication skills and strategic thought.

Motivated by these experiences, I made a deliberate choice to pivot intoĀ development, specifically partnering with leaders. I was inspired toĀ coach and mentor not only those who were underperforming butĀ also those who are already excelling and aspire to elevate their impact further. My focus is on individuals seeking balance and growth, underpinned by a commitment to three sustainable values: Social (people, including self), Environmental (planet), and Economic (profit).

My passion lies in fostering the development of managers and leaders, drawing from diverse experiences across pensions, construction, investment banking, IT, and project management and more. I bring extensive knowledge and insights to your coaching programs, driven by a belief in the transformative power of progressive leadership practices.

Ā I am proud to share that my international bestsellers were published in 2016 (The Step-Up Mindset for New Managers) and 2021 (The Step-Up Mindset for Senior Managers), solidifying my expertise in the field of leadership and management.


PSĀ watch this space for book No.3

Make contact with Margo